Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Missing the point.

Today while at work i was listening to my iPod, the song "Why" by Nicole Nordeman came on. If you are familiar with the song it talks of the crucifixion of Christ from the point of view of a little girl. I began thinking about the triumphal entry of Jesus on the Sunday before his crucifixion. People were lining the street shouting, "Hosanna." In my understanding they were missing the point, they were expecting Jesus to provide them with a military salvation, to drive out the Roman's and make them their own nation again. I began to wonder if I would be one of the people in the crowd shouting, "LORD, SAVE US!"

My thoughts then turned to the current Presidential election. There is a lot of talk, especially in the evangelical community, that Huckabee is the best man for the job. Why? Because he has a great track record as an elected official. No, because he was a Baptist pastor.

Now, I'm not downing Mike Huckabee. As far as I know he is a great man and may be the best man for the job.

It seems to me that we as the American church sometime believe that our salvation is going to come from Washington. That if only we had a Mike Huckabee in office instead of Bill Clinton that our country would not be in the moral decay that it is now. I wonder if we all are missing the point a little.

I believe that our current culture is a direct reflection of our sinful hearts not our president.


Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Hey Dan,

Thanks for your post. You bring up a great point. I do believe that many people are misguided in their politics and are looking for Washington to save them. The misguided on the left are looking for Washington to save us from poverty and the misguided on the right are looking for Washington to save us from moral decay.

However, being misguided is not the proper light to direct us in how we engage in politics. In other words I should not shirk from engaging in politics simply because of my faith. Rather it is because of my faith that I do engage in politics. BUT I look to properly engage in politics. I look for Jesus to save me, but I look to elect the proper man to run the Presidency with the values I hold dear.

That being said, I like Huckabee, not simply because he was a Baptist Minister (there are a number of issues I would disagree with him on: being filled with the Spirit, Eternal Security, Faith and Works, etc.). I like Huckabee because of his track record in running Arkansas, because of his moral record, because of his economic philosophy, and because of his ability to work with people. His being a minister lends ethical credence after the Bill Clinton era.

Just some thoughts back at you.

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

What's up Dude?

What about some more posts ... like from your mission trip?

Your "public" is demanding you!

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Dan, Dan, Dan, ... do you here your public calling you ... Dan, Dan, Dan!

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Wuz Up?! Where are you at?! We need you!!!

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Dan, Dan,
He's our man,
If he can't do it,
Nobody can!

Hey dude your public is calling.

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Dan, Dan,
Where's our man?
Dan, Dan,
Any thoughts, man?
Dan, Dan,
Sure you can,
Dan, Dan,
What's your plan?

Faith, Life, and Worship said...


Your readers need you! When are you going to open up your own souvenir shop. I want a "Dan Norman Blogs" Tee!

Faith, Life, and Worship said...

Where's our hero?

Anonymous said...

So, you can give time to your lady friends ... but what about your public?

Anonymous said...


Share your coolness. Don't hog it!

Anonymous said...


We're going to have a recall vote and force you to be installed in our blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

McCain (and I) want to drill here and drill now for more oil. I'm going to start a petition to "drill here and drill now" for more of your blog posts. I know your thoughts are out there.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Dan. Obama will not put a windfall profits tax on your thoughts. So produce all you want!

Anonymous said...

Where's our hero?????? I'm on the verge of giving back my "Dan Norman: Superblogger" Tee-Shirt!!!

Anonymous said...

While some people are asking right about now, "Dude, where's my bailout?!!" I'm asking you, Dan-Dan-Bloggerman, "Dude, where's my post?!!"

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me in the voice of "The Little Engine that Could:"

I think I can

I think I can

I think I can!

Anonymous said...

With the election coming up next week, I would vote for you as the Blogger-president-for-life, but you've been out of commission. Your public is demanding you, Dan, Dan, the Blogging-man!

Anonymous said...

Come on Dan,

You can do it,

Put a little power to it,

Yeah Dan!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that Obama is putting together his Cabinet, he might be looking for an official blogger ... the "Oblogger." You would have been in the running ... but ....

Anonymous said...

With so many companies ... no ... whole industries now turning towards Uncle Sam for their bail outs, your public is attempting to turn to you for your thoughts.

Bail us out!!!

Anonymous said...

The Government is hoping to "retool" Detroit. I'm hoping you'll "reword" your blog ... well ... you actually have to have words on a blog to reword it!

Anonymous said...

My baby girl loves to play the game, "I'll keep on dropping my toys, if you'll keep picking them up!"

Your public is waiting on you to BEGIN dropping your words. We'll pick them up ... we might spit them back at you ... but we'll pick them up!

Anonymous said...

Now that you're getting "hitched," why don't you unhitch your writing pony and tell us all about it?!

Anonymous said...

With Christmas approaching don't be a Scrooge! Share the wealth of your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Now that you've got some new wheels, how about spinning us some of your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

We want the scoop on your scoopin' poop job!

Anonymous said...

You're hearing wedding bells, "Da Da Dada ... Da Da Dada."

Your public is chanting, "Write Write Wr-write ... Write Write Wr-write!"

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll show more loving to your wife than you do to your public!

Anonymous said...

You've married your "shugga-mamma" and divorced your readership!!!

What's up with that?!

Anonymous said...

You've changed your profile picture, but haven't changed your writing habit! Your writing habit is that you don't write!

Anonymous said...

A song in your honor from a time-honored piece of Americana:

"Where oh where are you tonight,

"Why did you leave me here all alone,

"I searched the world over and thought I found true love,

"You met another and pthhhhhhhh ...

"You were gone."

This little song hails from Hee Haw and beautifully captures in a poetic way how you have essentially dropped your readership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We're approaching the two-year anniversary of YOUR LAST POST.

Inquiring minds want to know what Dan-the-man is thinking.