Monday, November 12, 2007

X-Men, I could use some help here!

"X-Men, I could use some help here!" "I don't have enough power to do that!" "C'mon let's see what you got!" These were the phrases that permeated from my TV yesterday as I did something I haven't done in years. Having the day off I decided to do nothing but play my roommate's X-Box. (X-men if you haven't figured that out) It wasn't so much a conscious decision, more of, "I'll play for a little bit then go clean my truck." (People who know me know this becomes my list of things to do when I plan on taking a nap.) The longer I played, the more I got into it. I can't remember playing a game so much since I got my first Nintendo just after they came out.

Before I knew it, it was 10:00 at night. I finally said enough was enough and turned off the game. I went to take out my contacts and noticed how blood shot my eyes were. I thought to myself, "This was a wasted day." Knowing I had to get up early the next morning, I went on to bed, thoughts of the game still running around in my head. I was thinking about what I could have done better. What did I miss? Part of me wanted to get out of bed and go back to playing so I could end on a more positive note, not on failing a level. I woke up several times during the night and what else things about the game would jump into my head. I'd close my eyes and see screen shots.

This morning I woke up, not really rested. I couldn't help but wake up and think about this game. This is not a super well-made game; I really shouldn't be thinking about it this much. A thought then came to mind, "If I put this much thought into knowing God, how much better would life be?" I began wondering, when was the last time that I spent all day just getting to know God better? When was the last time I closed my eyes and couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't help but think about the amazingness of God? For that matter when was the last time I couldn't sleep because I was pondering something Jesus said in the Bible? When was the last time I woke up in the morning and think of nothing else but God being revealing in scripture?

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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